“Even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart.” Joel 2:12

God desires your heart. Pray this Lent with prayer exercises that will help dispose you to turn to the Lord with your whole heart. Give yourself the gift of daily encountering the Lord through prayer. The discipline of daily prayer works over time to open the eyes and ears of our hearts to the activity of God in our prayer and in our lives.

This is an individually-directed prayer retreat. Individually-directed in that you will meet one-on-one weekly with an Ignatian prayer guide. It is a prayer retreat, in that you will be given scripture and Ignatian contemplations to pray over daily and by intentionally praying for 30 - 40 minutes a day you will be making a retreat in everyday life. Your Ignatian prayer guide will offer you prayer exercises in addition to helps with communicating with God in prayer. You will learn to listen more attentively to God’s actions in your prayer as well as finding God more readily in your everyday encounters.

We have a limited number of available guides, so if you are wanting to make this retreat this Lent, now is the time to sign up.

$90 (includes a journal and prayer exercises, you will need a Bible)

You will receive a follow up email after you register asking about where in KC you work and live and when is a good time to meet with a prayer guide. We will try and match you with a guide that can meet you in a convenient location and time, given your specifications. Ultimately, you and your Ignatian guide will determine a mutually agreed upon time and place.

REGISTRATION ENDS on February 16, 2020